Breakfast: When To Eat Breakfast For Weight Loss

There are many health benefits to eating a well-balanced diet; especially, a healthy breakfast. This week, Mint Nutrition Clinic is talking about breakfast, and when you should eat breakfast during the morning, in order to benefit the most. Read what our nutritionists and registered dietitians have to say, below.

What Time to Eat Breakfast

At our nutrition clinic, we recommend eating a healthy breakfast, within 30-45 minutes of waking up. This is best because it promotes eating a smaller lunch and dinner. It can also be good for stabilizing the blood sugar levels. This is because, all night the body doesn't have access to any glucose; therefore, it is healthy to eat breakfast sooner, so the effects of starvation do not kick in.  

A Balanced Breakfast

A well balanced breakfast should include a portion of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Fruit with eggs and a slice of bread, is a good example. However, it is best to try new foods and recipes and prevent becoming bored by the same food type. Variety is always better when it comes to changing your lifestyle.

Click Here to meet with our nutritionists and registered dietitians today, and get professional help with planning your meal/nutrition plan. We also provide clients with exercise plans and recipe guides!