Eating More Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss

Weight loss is difficult and challenging for most individuals, and the barriers that exist may frustrate some; therefore Mint Nutrition Clinic and our nutritionists and registered dietitians aim to write evidence based articles that help those who are seeking answers. This week, we are targeting the question, can eating more servings of fruits and vegetables increase weight loss success? The short answer is, yes!

One Serving of Fruits/Vegetables 

One apple, a banana, or a 1 cup of grapes are all considered "one serving of fruit". One cup of raw vegetables is conspired one serving of vegetables, and 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables is conspired one serving of vegetables (Eatright Ontario, 2015). Also, it is currently recommended that you should be eating 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday (Eatright Ontario, 2015).

Eating More Fruits/Vegetables and Weight Loss

There is some evidence that suggests consuming more fruits and vegetables will lead to weight loss and a higher likelihood of long term success. This has been thought to be because when one eats more of fruits and vegetables, they actually end up consuming less calories by the end of the day, because they are very filling and its less likely that an individual will consume too much, in order to feel full. This is because they have fiber and other nutrients that help prevent us from over eating (Eatright Ontario, 2015). Therefore, the more fruits and vegetables you consume, the more your are likely to consume less calories during the day, and the higher your weight loss number will become.

This is not meant to promote individuals to eat too much fruits though, because they still contain calories and consuming too much can lead to weight gain. However, this overall topic is still being researched and it is not going to make a large difference if it is implemented alone, without other weight loss tools. Mint Nutrition Clinic uses multiple weight loss tools and techniques to help clients who want to lose weight and keep it off for a long period of time.


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Eatright Ontario. (2015). How many Vegetables and Fruit do you need? Retrieved from