Low fat diets have been recommended to many individuals who want to lose weight; however, are they effective in the long term? And if so, how? This week, Mint Nutrition Clinic is targeting this question, to help many individuals who are interested in losing weight. Read about what our nutritionists and registered dietitians think about this area of nutrition.
Fats In General
There are many different types of fats; saturated, unsaturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), and trans fats (human made fats) (Eatright Ontario, 2016). It is currently recommended that, consuming more unsaturated fats is better for overall health and well-being (Eatright Ontario, 2016). This is because unsaturated fats are mostly found in whole foods; such as, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds (Eatright Ontario, 2016). Therefore, consuming a "healthy diet" is most likely going to mean that you are consuming more unsaturated fats, rather than saturated and trans fats.
What Does A Low Fat Diet Entail?
A low fat diet includes mostly carbohydrates and proteins as a source of energy. This is due to the fact that fat is an important source of fuel, and if a diet is low on it, higher intake of carbohydrates and proteins is needed to replenish the reduced amount of fat. There are many variations of low fat diets; however, most recommend a higher intake of carbohydrates and proteins (Eatright Ontario, 2016). Therefore, foods such as butter and fatty dressings are not recommended in these diets, while meats and whole grains are recommended.
Does A Low Fat Diet Help Weight Loss?
Depending on the individual and their needs, a low fat diet may be the best choice to lose weight and keep it off. However, research has shown that fat is beneficial for satiety and weight loss, because once an individual eats naturally fatty foods, they feel fuller for a longer time period (Eatright Ontario, 2016). Therefore, a diet low on fats may not be helpful, if an individual is predisposed to a having a higher appetite level. Weight loss is difficult and different for everyone, it is important to get professional help at the start from a nutritionist who understands the right diets and their effectiveness regarding a unique individual. At Mint Nutrition Clinic, we never recommend the same diet to two individuals. Our nutritionist create a custom diet plan that is right for the needs of the client, and they explain the various diets and popular methods of weight loss. If you would like help with weight loss or any other nutrition problem.
Click Here to meet our Toronto nutritionists and Toronto registered dietitians today!
Eatright Ontario. (2016). Facts on Fat. Retrieved from http://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Articles/Heart-Health/Facts-on-Fats.aspx
Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology 3rd Edition: Nelms M, Sucher K and Lacey K: Cengage Learning, Boston, 2014.