There are many myths and truths regarding protein shakes and their health benefits. This week, Mint Nutrition Clinic and our nutritionists and registered dietitians are investigating this topic, to answer many common questions that are concerning protein shakes.
What Are Protein Shakes
Protein shakes are smoothie drinks that usually contain whey protein and they are meant to add extra protein to our diets, in a supplemental form (Eatright Ontario, 2018). They are usually made with protein that is in powder form with ice or other fruits and additives. Therefore, they are caloric drinks that many athletes and regular individuals seek to drink, in order to gain more muscle mass and reach better physical outcomes.
Are Protein Shakes Healthy?
Protein shakes are rarely recommended as a necessary replacement over eating a well balanced diet (Eatright Ontario, 2018). This means that healthy adults usually do not need to drink protein shakes to receive all of the protein that their bodies need (Eatright Ontario, 2018). However, 20 g of protein powder after exercising is okay in moderation and does not cause harm; therefore, individuals should focus on eating natural forms of protein, rather than protein powder (Eatright Ontario, 2018). For example, consuming 2 cups of milk or eating 1/2 cup of meat should be enough after a hard workout, to meet our protein needs. Therefore, protein shakes should be treated as a "sometime" food option and not an everyday food choice. At Mint Nutrition Clinic, we help our clients reach their muscle building capacity. Click Here to meet our nutritionists and registered dietitians.
Eatright Ontario. (2018). Sports Nutrition: Facts on Sports Supplements. Retrieved from