Facts on Antioxidants

Antioxidants have several health benefits and should be consumed daily. Mint Nutrition Clinic recommends including them in your diet daily. This article is written by a competent nutritionist and/or registered dietitian at Mint Nutrition Clinic, and it explains the facts about antioxidants and how they may help individuals. Also, specific food sources are mentioned as well.

Facts About Antioxidants 

They are naturally present in many foods and there are dozens of specific kinds of antioxidants that are found in food and beverages (Eatright Ontario, 2016). They primarily bind with harmful free radicals that are in the human body, and prevent these radicals from harming healthy cells. Therefore, they have been mentioned as agents that help reduce the risk of developing cancer. Vitamins A, C, and E are also three different types of antioxidants and they are present in many fruits and vegetables. It is recommended that consuming more whole foods, and less processed foods is the best way to eat more antioxidants. Currently, it is not recommended to consume antioxidant supplements (Eatright Ontario, 2016). 

Best food sources are: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pasta, legumes, and tea. Therefore, include more of these foods daily, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At the Mint Nutrition Clinic, we help our clients meet their exact antioxidant needs.

Click Here to meet with our Toronto nutritionist and Toronto Registered Dietitians, and explore the nutritional treatment plans (weight loss plans, diet plans, meal plans and exercise plans) that we offer! 




Eatright Ontario. (2016). What you need to know about antioxidants. Retrieved from https://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Articles/Vitamins-and-Minerals/What-you-need-to-know-about-antioxidants.aspx