What is the Low-FODMAP Diet, for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

This week, Mint Nutrition Clinic is targeting the question, what is the low-FODMAP diet? And, is it effective for resolving problems regarding irritable bowel syndrome? Many of our clients have questions about this diet and are seeking help for relief from their symptoms. So, what is this diet? And, does it work?

What is the Low-FODMAP Diet Exactly?

FODMAP stands for fermentable, oligo, di, mono sacharides and polyols. It basically refers to different sugars (sacharides), and alcohols (polyols) that have the tendency to ferment in the gut (be consumed by the colon bacteria and worsen the symptoms of IBS). Many natural foods contain these compounds, and a low-FODMAP diet means that the individual should avoid certain foods that are high in FODMAPS (Eatright Ontario, 2017). Foods that promote gas production should be reduced; such as, Brussels sprouts, beans, carrots, onions, celery, raisins, bananas, wheat, etc. However, there are more nutrition tips and techniques that help relieve IBS symptoms, Click Here to meet with an accredited nutritionist at Mint Nutrition Clinic, to receive your complete IBS nutrition guide! 

Is the Low-FODMAP Diet Effective for Reducing IBS Symptoms?

Everyone is different and a professional nutritionist can really help you understand your version of IBS and what diet is best suited for your needs; however, consuming less foods that are high in FODMAPs has been showed to reduce IBS symptoms (Eatright Ontario, 2017). Other IBS tools and techniques should be implemented alongside this diet, in order to receive the best results. Mint Nutrition Clinic offers a FREE 30 minute consultation with our Toronto nutritionist, which can help individuals who have questions regarding IBS nutrition.



Eatright Ontario. (2017). Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Retrieved from https://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Articles/Digestion-Digestive-health/Irritable-Bowel-Syndrome.aspx